If this final expense product isn’t is in your wheelhouse, you’re missing out big time.
Currently, about 10% of our agents are writing it. Here’s why:
Best of all – this helps your clients pay their final expenses even if they have disqualifying health issues.
Ages 50-85 are automatically approved, and you can choose face amounts between $5,000-$25,000.
If you haven’t nailed down your final expense pitch yet, here’s what we recommend in a nutshell:
Step 1: Do your Client Needs Assessment.
Step 2: When you get to Question #7, ask, “Are you carrying any life insurance?”
If they do have life insurance, find out what it’s for and how much the benefit is. If it’s less than about $15,000, you get to recommend that they have a larger death benefit. The average cost of a funeral is about $15,000, and that’s just for standard selections – nothing fancy.
Not to mention other final costs, like hospital bills, home-related bills, taxes, and more.
If they don’t have any life insurance, you get to ask, “Have you made any arrangements to take care of final expenses?”
This product is easy to sell, because everyone realizes the need for it. And now, there’s no setbacks – with no medical underwriting, and the policy being the single easiest policy to write, you have a big comp dangling in front of you. And you can help someone. It’s a win-win.
You do have to be appointed in order to write the business, so contact us for the contracting. You’ll also receive your own website in order to start writing the business.
Other agents have boasted to us: “15 minutes to write the application and client is approved!”
This product is a home run, and we wanted to make sure you could take advantage of it.
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