10 Agents Share Their AEP Strategies for 2024
September 3, 2024

Many agents are taking proactive steps to better prepare for the fast-paced environment of Q4, which promises to be a bit more hectic than usual this fall. 

But what exactly are the top-performing agents planning to do differently this year?

To find out, I spoke with 10 agents who consistently rank at the top of our production reports. Here’s what they had to say.

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Why This AEP Is Different

This year’s AEP is shaping up to be one of the busiest in recent memory. Several factors are converging simultaneously: the Part D redesign from the Inflation Reduction Act, the CMS Final Rule, One-to-One Consent regulations, and the Election Year Effect.

Add to that the fact that many industry insiders predict 80-90% of Medicare Advantage (MA) and Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) policyholders will receive negative Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) letters. Deft Research is even forecasting that 40% to 70% of policyholders will be Shoppers & Switchers, compared to the usual 10-15%.

For agents with large client bases, this scenario can seem overwhelming. But fear not—here’s how some of our top agents are preparing to tackle the challenges ahead.

Related: 2025 AEP Playbook Bundle: Industry Changes, Tips, & Pre-AEP Checklist

Hiring More Help

Several agents are expanding their teams to handle the anticipated workload during this year’s AEP.

"We hired two new staff members," shared Luke H. "They’ll be with us from September 1st through December 7th, answering phones and scheduling appointments."

By bringing in additional help, Luke can focus on what he does best—building relationships with clients—while ensuring that no call or appointment slips through the cracks.

Richard H. is also considering additional support: "We may hire a part-time person to assist with application processing, and my wife might come back to work to help us as well."

With the expected increase in applications and inquiries, having more hands on deck will be crucial for maintaining efficiency and keeping clients satisfied.

Prioritizing Client Communication

Effective communication will be more important than ever this AEP, especially with so many clients potentially facing significant plan changes.

Richard H. shared his approach: "We are sending emails to all our Medicare clients with our RX form and SOA attached, allowing them to complete and return the forms electronically."

His team is also taking a proactive approach by calling clients to schedule appointments and collect email addresses, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Shelbie R. is focused on staying organized to better serve her clients: "I’m committed to improving my organization by sticking to a structured schedule and taking detailed notes. My plan is to prioritize getting applications submitted promptly and then dedicate Saturday mornings to entering them into Agency Bloc."

By maintaining a consistent schedule and thorough records, Shelbie aims to provide top-notch service and ensure that no client is overlooked.

Adapting to Industry Changes

Some agents are making strategic adjustments to their approach due to the unique challenges this AEP presents.

"For 2025, my main focus is knowing the top four carriers I plan to use during AEP," said Joren K. "I’m getting licensed and certified with a new carrier for MAPD and PDP. It’s crucial to understand the top go-to carriers, especially during AEP."

Henry H. is taking a more focused approach this year: "I’m going to have to be more dedicated to reviewing Medicare Advantage Plans. Usually, I go by 'if it’s not broke, don’t fix it,' but it looks like the changes this year will be more significant."

Michael S. is also adapting by participating in AEP sales for the first time:

"I haven’t participated in AEP sales in the past. It’s been a long time since I’ve decided to AHIP certify. But with all the info we have and all the speculation going around, this is a pretty big year, and this is a big change for me. I’ve always helped people for free, but this year I’m actually certifying and will be selling. I’ve relied on Steve Spinner, who is guiding me toward the carriers I need to certify with, based on the most competitive carriers in my county."

This proactive stance is essential, as clients may face more substantial plan changes than in previous years.

Streamlining Processes

Richard H. has developed a detailed plan to streamline his workflow and maintain productivity during AEP:

"I’m booking October 1-14 just as heavily as October 15-December 7, calling all clients to schedule their review appointments. We also changed our phone prompts so the required Medicare disclaimer is stated by our answering system."

Broderick R. is also focusing on efficiency by eliminating unnecessary conversations and leveraging tools more effectively:

"The main thing I am going to do differently this AEP is cutting out the small talk such as weather, etc., and utilizing more benefits on MedicareCENTER. And obviously, working more hours!"

His approach, like Richard's, emphasizes maximizing efficiency and reducing stress during the busiest time of the year.

Related: Streamline AEP: Top Scheduling Tools for Agents

Maintaining the Status Quo

Not every top agent feels the need to make drastic changes this AEP. For some, sticking to tried-and-true methods is the best approach.

"Not sure I’m doing anything different," admitted Russell M. "Guess I’m boring. Just get out there and work. No excuses. It’s really simple… the more people you help, the more money you make."

Russell’s approach is straightforward: focus on helping as many clients as possible, and success will follow.

Chase G. echoed this sentiment: "We really aren’t changing much of anything. We’re just optimizing what we do—keeping agents selling and letting our admin staff set appointments and handle issues."

For Chase, minor optimizations, rather than drastic overhauls, are key to maintaining efficiency during the busy season.

Maximizing Opportunities Through Partnerships and Events

Some agents are leveraging partnerships and local events to expand their reach and better serve their communities.

"This AEP, I’ll be part of a Health Clinic at Oak Street Health, where I’m invited to handle any clients that come in with questions about their health coverage," said Angie P. "I’ve written a lot of business through this clinic. Additionally, I have a few marketing events with a Senior Center, which has a big presence in our area."

By being present in community spaces, Angie can connect with clients where they are, offering a valuable service and generating new business.

Focusing on Personal Well-being and Balance

While business strategies are important, some agents are also mindful of maintaining personal well-being during the hectic AEP period.

Richard H. mentioned a unique approach: "I’m limiting my workout time to 45 minutes a day instead of the usual hour and switching to sparkling water instead of caffeine. I will be happy, relaxed, and calm in client meetings – business as usual persona."

By prioritizing his health and well-being, Richard aims to stay energized and positive throughout the season.


As this year’s AEP approaches, top agents are making thoughtful adjustments to stay ahead of the challenges.

Whether it's hiring help, refining communication, or sticking to proven methods, the focus is on efficiency and client service. Success this season will come from being prepared, adaptable, and committed to helping clients navigate the changes.

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