Top Medicare Supplement Carriers for the 2023 AEP
September 18, 2023

AEP is right around the corner – here are the top Medicare Supplement carriers that have a lot of momentum going into the fall selling season.

1. American Benefit Life (ABL)


This is the second year in a row that American Benefit Life, or ABL, is No. 1 in production for us.

What sets ABL apart includes:

  • Low rate increases/Steady rates – in most states, we've seen 3% on G and 1% on Plan N going into the third year
  • Red, yellow, and green underwriting system
  • Amazing incentive trip to Playa Mujeres, Mexico
  • Typically very strong cash bonuses going into AEP - we'll keep you posted

The rates are awesome, but what's the best for the agent is the ease of underwriting. Their process far outshines the rates, and I love great rates! But they have both.

So it's no surprise to me why ABL is No. 1 for us for the second year in a row.

Get contracted with American Benefit Life (ABL)

2. Mutual of Omaha

mutual of omaha

Next up is Mutual of Omaha. When you talk Med Supp, there's no one that's done it longer than them.

This year, Mutual of Omaha is our No. 2 when it comes to production. Their rates in a lot of our key states are just fantastic. When the service is great and the rate is good, what more can you ask for?

Mutual of Omaha is really knocking it out of the park for us in 2023. There won't be any slowing down as we go into the AEP.

With all the names in the Med Supp business, there's no other name that's more recognizable than MoO. Consumers love them, they treat agents right, their rates are competitive, and we just cannot say enough good things about Mutual of Omaha.

Get contracted with Mutual of Omaha

3. ACE Medicare Supplement

global-uploads.webflow.com5cd06573f0a28dce76ef883f62ebc93ef1398f07b27d0193_logo-ace-chubbACE, which is a Chubb company, was a new player for us last year, and my gosh, they have done a fantastic job.

Of course their rates are great, their admin (from IAS) is fantastic, and they've given a really strong production bonus. And they haven't taken it off the shelf – they went in with it, and they've stayed with it.

They're an A++ Rated carrier, and they're a $200 billion company – we really believe this is a carrier that isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Get contracted with ACE

4. Aetna

aetna logo

Aetna changed the landscape of Medicare Supplements when they entered the marketplace. They're innovative and are looking at ways to reshape some things that are going on in the industry.

When it comes to Aetna, it's really nice to have a carrier like this that sells ancillary products that are so competitive. And they're so active in the industry. When we have a question about what's going on in Medicare, that team knows.

They're fun to work with, and I have no problem saying we're doing a good job with Aetna, and we want to do more.

Get contracted with Aetna

6. Wellabe (previously Medico)

wellabe medico

Rounding out our list is Medicare, or officially Wellabe now.

What a great partnership it's been with those folks. We love the team there, and they've stayed competitive in the Med Supp space for the last 2-3 years. They also have all the goodies like ancillary products.

They've just kicked off their new short-term care product, which is really strong.

If you don't have Wellabe, please make sure to get a hold of us. This is a carrier you have to have in your back pocket if you want to be a top player.

Get contracted with Wellabe


We feel really good that these 5 carriers are our starting lineup for AEP. But we have many more in our stable of companies. Go to our website and look at the other carriers we offer.

There's something here for everyone! Be sure to check out all the incentives as we get into AEP.

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