How to Use Short Videos to Grow Your Insurance Business In 2024
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September 23, 2024

Nearly a decade ago, I remember asking Jason, our Chief Marketing Officer at New Horizons, if online video could one day put me out of my job as a writer.

Fast forward to 2024, and short-form video is dominating on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. But in the insurance world, it’s still surprisingly underutilized.

Why Aren’t More Agents Using Video?

The agents who embrace video are seeing huge success, but for many others, it feels overwhelming. I get it—finding time, figuring out what to post, and learning how to edit can feel like a mountain to climb.

Aside from time restraints, I'd like to think they just don't know where to begin.

  • Do you use your phone to film the videos?
  • How do you edit the videos?
  • How often do you have to post?
  • How long should the videos be?
  • What do you even post about?
  • How do you give your videos the best chance of going viral, so it's time well-spent?

If I were selling insurance tomorrow, short-form video would be a cornerstone of my marketing strategy. Let’s dive into why, and let's get all these questions answered.

Why Bother With Short-Form Video Content

Attention spans are shorter than ever, and consumers want quick, digestible content.

Short-form videos – especially those that grab attention in the first few seconds – are the perfect way to deliver value fast.

When a potential client sees your face, hears your voice, and watches you break down a complicated insurance topic, it builds trust faster than any static image or text ever could. You become more than just a name—they see you as a real, approachable expert.

Check out these examples:


Replying to @Jeffrey Garvin Don’t be stressed out by Medicare! I am here to help! #Medicare #Turning65 #MedicareAgents

♬ original sound - Your Medicare Advisor

In the insurance world, these videos can help you:

  • Build trust quickly: A video allows potential clients to see and hear you, which can create a more personal connection compared to static text or images.
  • Simplify complex topics: Insurance can be complicated, but breaking down a concept into a 30-60 second video makes it easier to understand.
  • Reach a wider audience: Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube prioritize video content, giving you a better chance of being seen by more people.
  • Stay top of mind: Consistent, short videos allow you to regularly engage with your audience without overwhelming them, keeping you front and center when they need your services.

Are Seniors Even On Social Media?

Before you say social media is just for the young ones, take a look at these stats*:

  • Facebook: 73% of community-dwelling individuals aged 50–64 use Facebook; 50% of those aged 65+ use it
  • YouTube: 83% of those 50-64 years old use it; 50% of those 65+
  • Instagram: 35% of people aged 50-64 use it; 15% of people aged 65+
  • TikTok: 11% of people ages 50+ use TikTok

*Sources: Science Direct, Backlinko, Exploding Topics

And the good news? Once you create a single short-form video, you can post it to all of these platforms. One video: many opportunities for new clients to find you.

Short-Form Video 101

Here are a few rapid fire tips when it comes to creating short videos for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

  1. How to film: Film the videos with your phone, vertically.
  2. How to edit: I find TikTok has the best native video editor. Add your video to TikTok and make any edits there. When you're done, you can download your edited video to your phone before posting. You can then post that same video on the other social media platforms.
  3. How long: Make your videos between 15-60 seconds. That's the limit for YouTube Shorts (Facebook and Instagram are 90 seconds; TikTok is 10 minutes), so if you want to post the same video to all of these channels, it needs to be under 60 seconds. The most viral videos tend to be between 20-30 seconds.
  4. How often: Posting is all about consistency. How often you post matters less than posting on a consistent basis. If you can post once a day, that's incredible. But if once a week is something you can realistically stick to, that's fine, too. 
  5. Video ideas: To come up with video ideas, think about the questions your clients ask you often. Look at what other accounts are posting and put your own spin on the same topic. Use tools like Answer the Public to come up with lots of questions you could answer.
  6. How to go viral: Videos that go viral almost always have a hook within the first 3 seconds. The hook is either text on the screen or what you're saying that grabs attention.Negative hooks also perform better, such as using words like stop, don't, or avoid.

Here are just a few examples of Medicare videos getting thousands – even hundreds of thousands – of views (notice how they all have a text hook on the screen?):

successful short form videos

You can also download this guide to see 5 points for successful video content creation.

Set Up Your Social Media Accounts

To get the most impact out of your videos, it would be nice to post on all of the social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.

However, if you just want to dip your toes in and/or you're seriously strapped for time, I'd suggest choosing one platform and sticking to it. Based on the demographic information we looked at earlier, I'd suggest Facebook.

Facebook has the highest percentage of seniors on the platform, making it the best place to start posting your Reels.

It's also worth noting that Facebook and Instagram are both owned by Meta, and the platforms work together in many ways.

As an example, you can schedule a Reel to post on both Facebook and Instagram if you use the Meta Planner tool. Why not have an account on both platforms if it's that easy to post to both?


If you've gotten this far, I'm assuming you already have a Facebook Business page.

To post a reel, go to your page and under the status area, click "Reel."

FB reel

The other option is scheduling a Reel that's already created. Go to the Meta Planner tool (if you're logged in, click this link and it'll take you there), click "Create Post" and select "Reel."

FB meta planner reelThen, you can upload your video file, add a caption, go through the prompts, and schedule the day and time you want your Reel to go live.


If you don't have an Instagram account yet, set one up here.

Once it's up, you can create or upload Reels from your phone. Just click the + button at the bottom of the app, select Reel, and upload your video.

instagram reel

You can also post Reels on Instagram through that Facebook Planner we mentioned above. As long as your Instagram account is connected to your Facebook account, you can choose to post to both.

We don't have an Instagram account, but if we did, it would show up in this dropdown:

meta planner dropdown


To post a YouTube Short, which is different from a regular YouTube video, you'll need to open the YouTube app on your phone.

Tap the + icon at the bottom of the screen and select Short.

youtube shorts

There, you can upload your video!


Last but not least is TikTok, which does have the lowest percentage of seniors compared to the other platforms. However, this is a great place to connect with a senior's children or grandchildren!

Picture this: I'm scrolling TikTok and see a video about the top 3 Medicare mistakes people make as they turn 65. I send the link to my retiring mother and tell her to check it out.

So, is this the platform I'd start on? Probably not. But is it a waste of time? Definitely not!

Sidenote: TikTok's native editor is the most user-friendly of all these platforms, in my opinion.

Create a TikTok account and tap the + button at the bottom of the screen to create a video.

tiktok 1

tiktok 2You can record your video directly in TikTok by pressing and holding that red circle. Or, you can upload a video you've already done by tapping on the square photo of the mountains.

Tips for Success

To get the most out of posting short-form videos, you need to have a call-to-action.

Your watchers need a way to take the next step with you, whether that be scheduling an appointment, sending an email, or sending the video to their parent.

There are advanced ways of doing this on some platforms. As an example, ManyChat integrates with Instagram, and this tool sends auto-reply messages based on specific comments (think: comment the word 'Medicare' and I'll send you a link to my free Medicare 101 guide!).

But: let's just do baby steps here.

In your video caption and in the actual video, always ask people to take some kind of action, such as:

  • 'Like this video' if you found the information helpful.
  • 'Share with a friend' who could benefit from this content.
  • 'Follow me' for more tips and insights.
  • 'Comment below' if you have any questions, and I’ll get back to you.
  • 'Click the link in my bio' to schedule a free consultation.
  • 'Send me a DM' if you want personalized advice.

When you start out, the goal is just to stay consistent and keep posting. As you build an audience, you can fine-tune your call-to-actions and implement more advanced techniques.

Video Ideas to Get You Started

You've made it this far – are you ready to post your first video?

Here are some video ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

  • Answer Common Questions: Think about the top 3 questions you hear from clients. Create a video for each one, providing simple, clear answers. For example, "What’s the difference between Medicare Part A and Part B?"

  • Myth-Busting: Address common misconceptions about Medicare or insurance. For example, "3 Medicare Myths You Need to Stop Believing."

  • Quick Tips: Share short, actionable tips in under 30 seconds. For instance, "Avoid this mistake when enrolling in Medicare."

  • Personal Story: Share a quick story about why you’re passionate about helping people with insurance or how you helped a client navigate a complex situation.

  • Behind the Scenes: Show a quick snippet of your workday or prepping for an appointment. Let your audience get to know the person behind the business.

  • How-To Video: Walk your viewers through a simple process like how to create an online Medicare account, or steps to compare Medicare plans.

  • Client Testimonials: If you can get permission, post short testimonials from clients about their experience with your service. This builds credibility and trust.

Here are a few example videos to get the ideas flowing:

20 Hook Ideas

Here are also some hook ideas.

You would put as text on the screen to capture the viewer's attention and get them to watch the entirety of your video:

  1. Don’t make this mistake when choosing insurance plans!
  2. Stop overpaying for coverage you don’t even need!
  3. Avoid this common Medicare enrollment error
  4. Don’t fall for these insurance myths!
  5. Stop missing out on these Medicare benefits!
  6. Don’t sign up for Medicare without knowing this!
  7. Avoid costly Medicare penalties with these quick tips
  8. Stop overcomplicating Medicare – it’s simpler than you think!
  9. Don’t pick the wrong plan – here’s how to avoid it!
  10. Avoid these 3 traps when switching Medicare plans!
  11. What insurance agents won’t tell you about Medicare.
  12. Here’s the easiest way to lower your premiums.
  13. The secret to saving money on Medicare costs.
  14. Confused about Medicare? This will clear things up.
  15. Three quick tips to make Medicare a breeze.
  16. Want better coverage? Watch this first.
  17. Here’s how to get more benefits with Medicare.
  18. How do you pick the right Medicare plan?
  19. Medicare made simple – get started in 30 seconds.
  20. What you don’t know about Medicare could cost you.

Remember, the key to success is to start posting consistently, learn as you go, and adjust your strategy based on what resonates most with your audience.

It doesn’t have to be perfect from the start – the more you practice, the better you’ll get.


Short-form video content is transforming the way we market and connect with clients.

You don’t have to be perfect—you just have to start. So grab your phone, hit record, and see how video can take your business to the next level.

Your prospects are waiting.

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