Medicare Basics for New Senior Market Insurance Agents

November 9, 2020

If you're brand new to senior market insurance sales, your first step is to learn about how Medicare works. The problem is Medicare is complex, with plans and parts and regulations and enrollment…

How Agents Can Help Disabled Clients Under Age 65 With Medicare

June 8, 2020

Did you know 16% of individuals with Medicare coverage are under age 65 (Kaiser Family Foundation)? Whether it's a mental disorder, an injury, cancer, or something else, those who are disabled will…

7 Surprises to Insurance Agents After They Enrolled in Medicare

January 21, 2020

Enrolling into Medicare is one of the most complicated endeavors you go through as you prepare to turn 65. Thankfully, independent insurance agents make the confusing process simple.

How to Help Your Medicare Clients That Are Working Past Age 65

December 17, 2019

As an independent insurance agent in the Medicare space, you’re bound to see a little bit of everything. However, something you’re probably seeing more and more is clients that are choosing to work…

How to Help Your Clients Sign Up For Medicare Part B

February 5, 2019

Helping your clients sign up for Medicare is a great service that helps separate you from your competition. We have to give one of our great agents, RD Roulston, the credit for this quick tip that…

The New Medicare Card Is Coming

October 3, 2017

The 2018 Medicare & You Handbook has announced that new Medicare cards are on their way.

Medicare Supplements: A Surprisingly Powerful Door Opener

December 18, 2013

Med Supp and Medicare Advantage have been game-changers for us. This short article is a lawyer confessional. Just like you, we must attract, woo, and close prospects to be able to pay our rather…

Medicare vs. Medicaid: Most Seniors Don’t Know the Difference

October 1, 2013

We elder law estate planners often hear people talk about someone that they believe is receiving nursing home assistance from Medicare. In reality, it is Medicaid. It is very important for seniors…

Medicare versus Medicare Advantage

May 14, 2013

One of the frequent questions being bounced around out there is "What's best - a traditional Medicare Supplement or the Medicare Advantage program?"