Sell Your Medicare Book and Keep Selling: with John Knepper
In our latest interview, we sit down with Mr. John Knepper, a seasoned Medicare specialist from Illinois. About a year ago, he decided he didn't want to be quite so busy, but he wasn't ready to fully…
Top 5 Medicare Supplement Carriers for 2023
For agent use only. Not for use with the general public. Sit down with John Hockaday and Jeff Sams of New Horizons Insurance Marketing for an FMO's perspective on the Top Med Supp carriers for 2023.
[VIDEO] Succession Planning 101: Webinar Recording
Webinar Recording This video is a recording of a webinar hosted by AgencyBloc. In this video, John Hockaday discusses several areas of concern when preparing to sell your insurance agency or book of…
Insurance Producer Spotlight: Michael Sams and His $900,000 Year
Michael Sams has been in the insurance business for about 13 years now, and in 2017, he had a record year – over $900,000 in production. Our biggest question is how?!
Video: How to Calculate Rates for Aetna’s Recovery Care Product
Even if you’ve been figuring up rates for decades, there are a few things you need to know about Aetna’s recovery care product.
Fast Med Supp Turnaround with e-Apps
Here's an example of just how fast your Medicare Supplement business can get approved if you use e-Apps instead of paper.
It's what you do in the dark that puts you in the light
Those of you who pay close attention to articles in this newsletter may have noticed that I'm the least likely member of our team to make a sports analogy. My wife, who was far more obsessed with the…
Packaging Cancer Insurance with a Medicare Supplement
In this video, Chase shares his method for cross-selling a Cancer insurance plan with Medicare Supplement insurance. If you're newer to Medicare Supplements, make sure to read our beginner's guide to…
Video: What the Manhattan Life Med Supp has to offer
With AEP season approaching, here is an overview of what the Manhattan Life (MLIC) Med Supp plans have to offer. We feel that this carrier is one you should definitely have in your kit!
Video: Dental / Vision / Cancer (DVC) Plan?
John Hockaday describes a new insurance product you can offer your clients, from United National Life. This plan can be much more helpful to your clients than a DVH plan.