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You probably aren't reaching out to your clients enough
Image courtesy of Kari Kileen Custom Invitations and Stationery
3 Easy Ways to Cross Sell Med Supp Clients
With the Annual Enrollment Period in full swing, agents are working hard, and many of you sell more during this last quarter than you do the rest of the year combined. By sticking to Medicare…
Video: How to copy the “Medicare & You” handbook to your phone for quick access
The Medicare & You booklet is around 160 pages, so maybe you'd prefer not to keep a thick book with you in the field. If you carry a smartphone or tablet, you can easily keep a copy there if you need…
Who are your clients - anyone over 65?
Say you are in the market for a brand new Ford F-150. You walk into one auto dealership, and you see that they have a selection of Fords, Chevys, Dodges, Hondas, a BMW, a Harley, some ATVs &…
Video: How to host online meetings with your prospects
Sometimes it isn't convenient or even possible to meet with a client or prospect. Maybe you're out of town, they're out of town, or for whatever reason it just isn't feasible to meet face to face.…
Plan F or G? How to Decide Which Med Supp Plan to Sell
There aren't many differences between Medicare Supplement Plan F & Plan G. This probably isn’t news to you, but let’s have a look at how they're different, and help you determine which plan you…
Contracting is a huge pain - there’s a better way
Contracting stinks. It’s a necessary evil at best, an extreme waste of time at worst. You might prefer kicking the leg of a coffee table with your pinky toe 5 times in a row rather than fill out…
Why Agents Matter: Seniors are frustrated and confused by Medicare, and need your help
According to a recent study from the Kaiser Family Foundation, seniors find the process of choosing a plan to be confusing and frustrating. That process, along with some other factors, makes them…
How many types of seniors are there?
Last week we talked about figuring out who your ideal client is. It’s possible to categorize groups of people into endless “buckets”, but a research group (Esri) recently produced a report using a…
How to Show Clients You Care When it Matters Most
My wife recently gave birth to our daughter very early, at just shy of 28 weeks, and is now in the NICU. This experience has been amazing, scary, overwhelming, exciting, and several other feelings…